"Shark Cage Escape -- Disneyland"

Shark Cage Escape -- DisneylandShark Cage Escape -- DisneylandGeorge Burns hosted an NBC special from Disneyland entitled "Magic in the Magic Kingdom." Some of the guests of this spectacular event consisted of Siegfried & Roy, Lance Burton, Harry Anderson and Dean Gunnarson. Featured in the '20,000 Leagues Under The Sea' exhibit, Dean Gunnarson was chained, handcuffed and locked inside a submerged shark cage. Well beneath the surface before a world wide audience, Dean struggled in the water for 2 minutes and 13 seconds, extricating himself from handcuffs, chains and the confines of the shark cage. As Dean broke the surface to the applause of many, George Burns announced to the world, "Now there's a new Houdini, and his name is Dean Gunnarson."


Site by Jeno Horvath. - Updated Sunday, 21 February, 2016 5:48 AM