"Dean's Dam Escape -- Las Vegas, Nevada"

Dean Gunnarson - Hoover Dam Escape -- Las Vegas, NevadaDean Gunnarson recently traveled to the Hoover Dam near Las Vegas where NBC television video taped an extreme escape for an upcoming Special entitled: THE WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS MAGIC. Dean endured a rigorous training schedule for months, designed specifically to strengthen his leg and feet muscles, in preparation of this body wracking feat at the Hoover Dam. Dean was more than happy to struggle for NBC, near a location once honored by Evel Knievel where Evel performed his famous jump over Snake Canyon in September 1974. Dean has long since been an ardent fan of this motor cycle stunt driving daredevil, and shares Evel's philosophy that it's not whether you succeed or fail, it's whether you try to get back up should you fail. For Dean however, failure to escape would lead to certain death.

  AerosmithDean headlines this Special with an inimitable escape NBC is calling "Challenge at Hoover Dam". Dean is renowned world wide for his expertise in strait jacket escapes, however, this time, he does not hang inverted by a flaming rope over a bed of nails or a parking lot while struggling against the bonds of this restrictive device from an asylum. This time, the inverted Dean must place his feet over top of a trapeze bar and remain as still as possible while extricating himself from a strait jacket, 726 feet over the gorge of the Hoover Dam. Not only does he have to remain still (a difficult task at best since he utilizes every muscle in his body to escape), but his leg muscles are tested beyond their limits from the strain.  

In addition to Dean Gunnarson, NBC hosts famous magicians such as the Pendragons, Robert Gallup, Melinda and more. You will not want to miss this spectacular and dangerous event.


Site by Jeno Horvath. - Updated Sunday, 21 February, 2016 5:57 AM