NBC SPECIAL "THE WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS MAGIC IIDanger, high risk and the imminent threat of death challenge the world's greatest magicians in "The World's Most Dangerous Magic II," an NBC one-hour special which has just completed production. Many magicians over the years have died performing the spectacular stunts that will be attempted in the special event which is a sequel to last year's special, "The World's Most Dangerous Magic." Taped at various locations, the special will be highlighted by an incredible stunt, "Gator Bait" in which straitjacketed escape artist, Dean Gunnarson, hangs by his toes over a pit filled with hungry alligators. Hung by chains washed down with chicken blood and pieces of chicken meat, Gunnarson has to free himself before the leaping and snapping alligators can eat him alive.
Dean Gunnarson is recognized as "The World's Greatest Escape Artist" for his legendary and death defying extreme escapes. Last year, on the first " World's Most Dangerous Magic", Gunnarson hung over Hoover Dam in Las Vegas 726 feet in the air to make his escape. He has escaped from car crushers, shark cages, under water coffins and exploding bombs; but Dean said, "nothing in my career could prepare me for the dangerous task of escaping form these alligators. It was truly defying death!"

Margo, Steve Wyrick, Anthony Reed, Gary Kurtz, Michael Grandinetti and Tony Clark also participate in the life-threatening stunts to be introduced by actor Steven Macht ("Ring of Passion," "The Choirboys," "A Mother's Deception").


Site by Jeno Horvath. - Updated Sunday, 21 February, 2016 5:36 AM